Privacy Policy and Terms

When you visit our web site to provide advertising services to third-party advertising companies use. The companies, this website and other websites from your visits to the (your name, address, e-mail address or phone number other than your) information capture products and services of interest to you advertising to show you can use. This application and to learn about the information used by these companies to block what options you want to know NAI Self-Regulatory principles for publishers (PDF) documents, please see Appendix A. Language is subject to change at any time NAI'nın example, do not forget.

Google as the third-party vendors, uses cookies to serve ads on your site.
Google, by using the DART cookie to your users, your site and other sites on the Internet to deliver ads based on their visits Users visiting the Google ad and content network privacy policy may prevent the use of the DART cookie. This web site, users are deemed to have accepted the above-mentioned conditions.
